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Boards & Committees

Planning Commission


  • Acts as local planning agency pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and performs all functions and duties prescribed in the statute. At least every twelfth year after the comprehensive plan has been adopted, makes a report assessing, and evaluating the successes and failures of the comprehensive plan.
  • Obtains and maintains information on population, property values, the land economy, land use, and other information necessary to assess the amount, direction, and type of development to be expected in the city.
  • Advises and make recommendations to the city commission regarding applications for amendments to the official zoning map; site development plans and rezoning; and requests for conditional uses, special exceptions or other special designations on property within the city.
  • At the request of the development director, interprets and determines the intent of provisions of the land development code that are unclear or in conflict with other regulations.
  • Considers the need for revision or addition of regulations in the land development code and recommends changes to the city commission. Proposed changes may be suggested to the city commission by the planning commission; or in the case of a zoning ordinance, by petition of the owners of 51 percent or more of the land involved in the proposed change. The petitioner may be required to assume the cost of public notice and other costs incidental to the holding of public hearings.
  • Considers the need for revision of the comprehensive plan and recommend changes to the city commission.
  • Other duties as assigned by the city commission.


View the Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes

Zoning Board of Appeals


  • Authorizes specific variances from appropriate provisions of the land development code as will not be contrary to the public interest, in cases where literal enforcement of the code will result in unnecessary hardship for the applicant.
  • To hear and decide upon appeals of administrative decisions where it is alleged there is an error in an order, requirement or policy of city staff. The case must be filed with the secretary of the board within 30 days of the decision. The board may reverse or affirm, wholly or in part, the order, requirement or policy of the administrative official.


Meetings are held the first Monday of every month within the Polk City Government Center located at 123 Broadway Blvd SE, Polk City, Florida at 6 p.m. (unless stated otherwise).  Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.

View the Zoning Board of Appeals Agendas and Minutes


Robert Baker, Chairman
David Prins, Regular Member
Vacant, Regular Member
Edward Hanks, 1st Alternate
Vacant , 2nd Alternate

Citizens Advisory Committee

View the Citizens Advisory Committee Agendas and Minutes

Code Enforcement Board


Code Enforcement Hearings are held in the Polk City Administrative Building located at 123 Broadway Blvd SE, Polk City, Florida, 33868, upon call. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.


View the Code Enforcement Board Agendas and Minutes

Charter Review Committee

View the Charter Review Committee Agendas and Minutes