April 12, 2025
Hello everyone,
As you know Polk City will celebrate its 100th birthday in April 2025. Some of you have already been by and purchased some of the memorabilia. The Brick Sales application below must be completed and returned with payment to City Hall for processing. There will also be hard copies in the lobby at City Hall.
If you have a food truck and interested in selling your items from your menu at the Centennial event, an application is attached below as well. You can also contact Chasity Guinn at 863-984-1375 x 222 or via email – chasity.guinn@mypolkcity.org
Centennial Food Truck Vendor Application
There is also an opportunity to purchase a personalized flag that will be displayed on the City’s decorative light poles for the Centennial. Once the Centennial is over, you can take that flag home to store in your personal memorabilia.
Personalized Flag on Light pole
Below is your opportunity to see everything in one place and if you would like to purchase any of the memorabilia, please contact Sheandolen Dunn at 863-984-1375 x 238 or email her at sheandolen.dunn@mypolkcity.org.
Personalized Flag on City Light pole(outside) with family member’s photo and name