The Polk City Florida website is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents for disabled individuals who are visually impaired and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make reasonable accommodations. While these modifications are being made many documents have been removed. If you would like to obtain a document not currently provided on the website, please contact our City Manager, Patricia Jackson at (863) 984-1375 or Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes.

News & Updates

Press Releases

The City of Polk City makes many important announcements on our website concerning utilities, events, the City Commission and other things the residents and visitors should know.

View the latest Press Releases

Monthly Department Reports

The Building Department, Code Enforcement Department, Library, Finance Department and Utilities Department prepare monthly reports of their activities. You can also view monthly crime statistics from the Polk County Sheriff in this section.

View the Department Monthly Reports


The City of Polk City creates a monthly newsletter that highlights upcoming events and important actives happening through out the city.

View the Monthly Newsletters

Photo Galleries

View photos from around Polk City and from various meetings and events.

View Photo Galleries