Polk City’s Green Swamp Area

Green Swamp Map
Polk City has a rich and colorful heritage and among its least known are its incredible ecological surroundings. Polk City is located in the southern part of Florida’s Green Swamp which was identified in 1974 as a State Area of Critical Concern. The majority of this area represents rural Florida and is a natural resource for the population to enjoy.
Plant & Animal Life
Although the “swamp” designation may put off most people, the area is actually rich with plants and endangered animals. According to National Wildlife, the Green Swamp’s 850 square miles is home to 40% of the state’s native vertebrate species, 31 of which are rare or endangered. Animals which can be found in the Green Swamp include Bald Eagles, the Florida Panther, black bears, Fox Squirrels, and of course all sorts of reptiles including alligators and snakes. This protected area provides a sanctuary for this dwindling ecosystem.
Water Conservation
Polk City takes stewardship of this natural resource seriously. The new Membrane Bioreactor (M.B.R.) Wastewater treatment plant the city is in the process of designing will discharge high quality water capable of meeting potable water standards. The water from the new M.B.R. plant will drain into a man-made lake which will help recharge the aquifer, further the area surrounding this lake will be a publicly accessible park.
As with most communities in our state, Polk City is experiencing growth at a rate not previously seen before. As the only community completely contained within the Green Swamp we wish to be a growing community in harmony with this ecological treasure.