The Office of Congressman Daniel Webster will hold Mobile Office Hours in Polk City Hall on the third Tuesday of every month from 8:30 – 11 a.m. Congressman Webster’s office can assist constituents with issues involving federal agencies, such as the IRS, Social Security Administration, the VA, U.S. Customs and Immigration Services, etc. Although, the office cannot override or improperly influence the decisions made by a federal agency, but can intervene on a person’s behalf to answer questions, find solutions, or simply attempt to cut through the red tape.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please reach out to:
Samantha Shylkofski
Constituent Services Director
US Congressman Daniel Webster / FL 11
318 South 2nd Street #A Leesburg, FL 34748
D: 352-227-5168 / C: 352-459-9534